What is Hatha Yoga?
Hatha in Sanskrit is often translated on a fundamental level as force or power. Yet, there is a more profound understanding that recognises that Hatha is made up of two Sanskrit words:
Ha means solar energy, fire, and Shiva (masculine energy).
Tha, meaning lunar energy and Shakti (feminine energy)
The word describes the purpose of Hatha Yoga: balancing your Solar and Lunar energies, your male and female attributes in your body and your mind. The goal is to become a wholesome being, in harmony and without any disturbances.
Paired with the word `yoga`, implying yoking or joining, there is the suggestion of merging those two forces – sun/moon, masculine/feminine, Shiva/Shakti.
What is the aim of Hatha Yoga?
This is a biggie! And there are so many different responses to this question - I can only offer what I aim for in my classes.
Around 200 BC, Patanjali wrote the Yoga Sutras, considered the foundational text of Yoga. In the Sutras, Patanjali writes in Sanskrit, “Yoga Chitta Vritti Nirodha.” This is commonly translated to mean Yoga is the cessation of the fluctuations of the mind.
Ultimately, my aim with the Yoga that I teach is to still the mind until it rests in a state of total and utter tranquillity so that one experiences life as it is: as Reality.
Who is this class for?
It is for everyone. It is extremely gentle and all elements of it can be adapted to suit any body.
Is this an exercise class?
This is not a cardio activity; you will not work up a sweat. Gentle Hatha will undoubtedly help you to remain physically well from head to toe.
Your joints will be mobilised, muscles all over the body will be activated, and you will learn how to breathe fully and correctly. You should also look out for the following benefits (this list is not exhaustive):
Better sleep
Improved posture
Reduced aches and pains
Improved respiration, energy and vitality
Maintaining a balanced metabolism
Improved mental health
Weight reduction
Cardio and circulatory health
Reduced inflammation
Improved strength
Improved athletic performance
Reduced anxiety
Better balance
Improved bone health
Enhanced brain functioning
Protection from injury
What do I need to wear and bring with me to class?
You can wear whatever you like if it allows easy movement. Leggings, jogging bottoms or slacks are good - with a vest/T-shirt and sweatshirt on the top. Yoga is practised barefoot ideally, but you can buy yoga socks if you are more comfortable with your feet covered. I would also recommend warm socks for relaxation at the end.
Ideally, you will bring a mat to class (but if you don't have one, you can borrow one) and a blanket.
When are your classes?
I currently have two Gentle Hatha Yoga classes per week:
Tuesdays @ The Pod Burton Latimer 8-9pm
Thursdays @ The Breathe In Space Kingsthorpe 7.45-8.45pm
And I am available for 1:1 sessions at other times in Wellingborough
I hope to see you in class soon.