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Week in Review - August 12th


Themes of the week: 1.17 Introduction to Samadhi, The Five Koshas, Ajna, Open Your Heart,

Classes Taught: 8

In my main theme this week, we continued our philosophy journey through the Yoga Sutras, moving into Sutra 1.17: "Introducing Samadhi - Ecstatic Union".

“Then the object is gradually understood in totality. At first this understanding is at a more superficial level. And finally it is total. There is pure joy in reaching such a depth of understanding. For then, the individual is so much in unity with the object that he is oblivious to his surroundings.” – TKV Desikachar, Reflections on Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

Glimmers of the Week

Magical Mother and Daughter Retreat.

What can I say? The pictures speak for themselves...

Okay but I will just say this. Sarah and I are so thankful for this first retreat, it was something we have wanted to do from day one and it was every bit as beautiful as we had imagined. We have already set dates for more, so watch this space.

Pause The Week

Back in August 2023, I started a Women's Wellbeing session on Wednesday evenings at The Midwives Circle and Wellness Centre. I persevered with it for months (I don't give up easily), and it just didn't take off. Most weeks were 1:1 sessions with my lovely Annie, which were beautiful but not sustainable with the cost of travel and room hire. So, I changed the name of the class and just went with 'Gentle Yoga'—pure and simple.

Since then, the yoga class has grown to the point where, most weeks, there is a waiting list. It is amazing what a name change can do.

However, my yearning to offer a weekly session allowed me to veer away from yoga asana and build a nurturing support group where we could talk and listen without my 'yoga teacher brain' thinking, "Come on! They've come for asana—get them moving!" That yearning never left.

So last week, I decided to go for it again. This time, really go for it: a donation-based wellbeing session every Wednesday at 7.30 pm. And guess what? The first session filled up almost immediately, and everybody from the first session has re-booked. Next week, our theme is 'Fill Your Cup'; dear reader, my cup is full of gratitude, dharma, and all the good stuff.

A cup filled with good things
Vicki's cup

Ebb & Flow Women's Circle at The Pod

Our theme was Harnessing the Power of the Elements. We explored each element in turn and discussed potential imbalances and how to work through them. Sarah created these stunning art pieces, and I will let them illustrate what we covered.


Readings, Resources and Inspiration

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by Sri Swami Satchidananda

The Secret Power of Yoga by Nischala Joy Devi

Fly Away by Kristin Hannah

The Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman

Earth Woman by Gina M Puorro
This week's Savasana poem


Looking Ahead

This is the schedule for the coming week - you can book all classes online.

I wish you a truly wonderful week.


Vicki x


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