Themes of the week: 1.18 Ego and Samskaras, Root Chakra, Crown Chakra
Classes Taught: 9
We continued our philosophy journey through the Yoga Sutras, moving into Sutra 1.18: "The Connection Between Ego and Samskaras".
Samskaras are subconscious mental imprints formed through past experiences. They operate like grooves in the mind, guiding our thoughts and actions. These deep-rooted patterns often reinforce our ego, creating a self-perpetuating cycle.
Glimmers of the Week
It was the small things this week...
I received lovely feedback from a first-timer at Women's Circle, had coffee in the morning sunshine (the air felt Autumnal and refreshing), confirmed my workshops at the Witch Festival again this year, and then just felt in my flow with my teaching. It really has been a lovely week.
Readings, Resources and Inspiration
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by Sri Swami Satchidananda
The Secret Power of Yoga by Nischala Joy Devi
Prakriti Your Ayurvedic Constitution by Dr Robert E Svoboda
Online Offerings From Me This Week
Meditation - Fill Your Cup
Looking Ahead
This is the schedule for the coming week. You can book all classes online. Please note: there will be no Saturday class as it is my son's 14th birthday!

I wish you a truly wonderful week; enjoy the lovely weather.
Vicki x