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Week in Review - August 5th


Themes of the week: 1.16: Chakras and Gunas - A Cosmic Balance, Throat Chakra,


Classes Taught: 10

We continued our philosophy journey through Nischala Joy Devi's 'The Secret Power of Yoga', staying with Sutra 1.16 and our foray into the Gunas - this week, viewing the chakras through the lens of the three fundamental qualities.

The gunas are three fundamental qualities or energies present in everything in the universe, including ourselves. Understanding them can help us understand our thoughts, feelings, and actions.

So, in many of the classes, we explored the seven main chakras, enjoying a practice designed to bring Sattva (balance) to each energy centre.

In Thursday's Hatha class at The Breathe In Space, I taught a class specifically relating to the throat chakra, so we enjoyed quite a lot of chanting and Lion's Breath, which connected to our throats and coincided with the date of the Lions Gate Portal: 8 August!

In my other Hatha classes, I took inspiration from bamboo, reflecting on its different qualities.

Did you know?

  1. Bamboo can grow up to 3 feet in a day!

  2. There are over 1500 species of bamboo in the world.

  3. Bamboo helps prevent soil erosion, produces oxygen and absorbs carbon dioxide.

  4. Bamboo is used for construction, furniture, textiles, paper and food.

  5. Bamboo often exceeds the strength of steel.

  6. Bamboo can lower the surrounding temperature by several degrees.

  7. Most bamboo fabrics are made from bamboo rayon, which involves a chemical process that can remove any natural antibacterial properties.   

  8. A substance in bamboo called "bamboo kun" is often cited as the source of these antibacterial properties. However, the existence and effectiveness of bamboo kun as a standalone antibacterial agent are still under scientific investigation.

Glimmers of The Week

I dabbled with watercolours for the first time in a long time. As someone who was never 'good' at art when she was at school, I am really pleased with the results!

I finally went ahead with a plan I have wanted to pursue for a while: offering a 'pay what you can' session. It launches on Wednesday, August 14th, and will blend conversation with yoga and meditation. I can't wait! You can book here, although this first session only has one space left!


Readings, Resources and Inspiration

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by Sri Swami Satchidananda

Applied Polyvagal Theory in Yoga by Dr. Arielle Schwartz

The Secret Power of Yoga by Nischala Joy Devi

Yoga Sutra Cards

As It Is In Heaven by Niall Williams


Looking Ahead

This week is another busy one, starting with our Magical Mother and Daughter Retreat on Monday.

Here are all the places you can find me this week. As usual, my Tuesday and Wednesday classes are filling up, so please book soon if you want to join us.

Wishing you a truly wonderful week.


Vicki x


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