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Week in Review - July 15th


Themes of the week: 1.13 Effort toward a steady mind is practice, Svadisthana,

1.14 Practice takes time, patience and a positive attitude.

Classes Taught: 8

We continued our philosophy journey through the Yoga Sutras, moving into Sutra 1.14: "Practice takes time, patience and a positive attitude".

“Even if we do not realize it, what we are seeking is the sense of wholeness. This sense is so familiar that often we forget that it is always with us. The time we spend each day in communion with ourselves is such an integral part of our lives that when it is absent, we feel unbalanced and out of sorts. Rhythm of practice, on the other hand, can be one of the most stabilizing effects of our life." – Nischala Joy Devi, The Secret Power of Yoga

After arriving home at around 3 a.m. on Tuesday, I was worried I would be too tired for my first classes back at The Pod. In fact, while I was physically very tired, it was exactly what I needed after that long day of travelling.

We laughed at the end of Yin when one of my homemade bolsters opened up, and a cascade of tiny beanbag balls flooded the corner of the room! It was so wonderful to be back with my yogis.

Glimmers of the Week

On Thursday, I went to The Three Hares Gallery in Olney to enjoy the art of Susan Webb and Lucy Mathers. Susan is one of my lovely yoga friends, and Lucy is a former colleague and friend of my husband.

They make gorgeous art. We loved the textures, the colours, and how they complemented each other's styles so beautifully. The exhibition is in situ until 30 July.

I took my son to London on Friday for his 'end-of-term school trip.'

It was the hottest day of the year so far, and I am grateful we were accustomed to the heat from our week in Crete! It was a lovely day, culminating in watching Stranger Things - The First Shadow at The Phoenix Theatre, which I highly recommend.


Readings, Resources and Inspiration

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by Sri Swami Satchidananda

Applied Polyvagal Theory in Yoga by Dr. Arielle Schwartz

The Secret Power of Yoga by Nischala Joy Devi

Yoga Sutra Cards


Looking Ahead

This is the schedule for the coming week - you can book all classes online.

I wish you a truly wonderful week; enjoy the warmer weather.


Vicki x


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