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Week in Review - July 29th

Updated: Aug 9

Themes of the week: 1.16: An Introduction to the Gunas,

Classes Taught: 8

We continued our philosophy journey through Nischala Joy Devi's 'The Secret Power of Yoga', moving into Sutra 1.16, which tells us that 'when we know our true self, cravings dissipate' and introduces us to the Gunas.

The gunas are three fundamental qualities or energies present in everything in the universe, including ourselves. Understanding them can help us understand our thoughts, feelings, and actions.

In Thursday's Hatha class at The Breathe In Space, I taught a class around the higher heart or thymus chakra. Often referred to as the Thymus or Stellar Heart Chakra, it is an energetic centre located slightly above the physical heart. It is associated with unconditional love, divine compassion, and spiritual connection. This chakra bridges the gap between the emotional heart and the higher realms of consciousness, allowing for deeper empathy, intuition, and inner peace. When balanced, it fosters a sense of unity with all beings and a profound understanding of one's spiritual purpose.

At my morning cover class on Thursday at Dianas, we indulged in a restorative practice, using bolsters to support postures that opened the heart.

Glimmers of The Week

I'm thrilled to share that my first Wednesday morning class at Balance Health Club was a fantastic success! The turnout was wonderful, and it was evident from the smiles and positive energy that everyone enjoyed the class. Even better, this week's class is filling up quickly, which is incredibly exciting.

Teaching earlier in the morning has been something I've been looking forward to for quite some time, and I'm so grateful for the opportunity to join the Balance team. Everyone has been incredibly welcoming and supportive.

The sacral chakra, associated with creativity, emotion, and pleasure, found full expression this week. Engaging in pottery and watercolour painting was more than just a fun activity; it was a deep dive into the wellspring of our creative selves. These shared experiences nurtured connection, not only with our artistic sides but also with the emotional and creative aspects of ourselves.

It's a beautiful reminder of the power of creative expression in fostering intimacy and joy.

PS. My ten-year-old made the cow; I am responsible for the frog!!

Finally, the weekend! On Saturday evening, I attended an event at Peterborough Cathedral with a lovely friend. It was an immersive sound event, unlike anything I have ever experienced. It is such a magnificent building full of history and meaning, and the music was hauntingly beautiful.

Sunday, I went to London with Livvy, where we did a little shopping. We then went to see Wicked at the Apollo. I highly recommend it if you haven't seen it.

And so, my cup is full, and I am ready to pour from it this week. It will be a busy one as I have classes every day except for Sunday, and I need to make final preparations for our Magical Mother and Daughter Retreat next Monday.


Readings, Resources and Inspiration

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by Sri Swami Satchidananda

Applied Polyvagal Theory in Yoga by Dr. Arielle Schwartz

The Secret Power of Yoga by Nischala Joy Devi

Yoga Sutra Cards

As It Is In Heaven by Niall Williams


Looking Ahead

Here are all the places you can find me this week, my Tuesday and Wednesday classes are filling up so please book soon if you want to join us.

Wishing you a truly wonderful week.


Vicki x

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