"I am not flexible enough"
The only suppleness yoga requires is to have a flexible mind. You need to be willing to use asana (yoga poses) to connect with yourself and make time to practice. Even if that is just once a week. It doesn't matter how bendy or un-bendy you are; it is probably the least important aspect of yoga. And anyway, regular practice will improve suppleness no end.
"I am too old/young/small/big"
I have yet to meet anybody who couldn't enjoy some form of yoga asana. There are so many different styles, from very physically demanding practices down to restorative styles. It is not a one-size-fits-all medium and a good teacher will adapt and create variations for their students or signpost them to alternative teachers if they cannot accommodate specific needs.
"I'm too stressed to do yoga."
Then you definitely need to do yoga! It’s like saying you can’t do guitar lessons because you don’t play the guitar. You’ll probably learn to play the guitar if you take the class. If you do some yoga, you’ll probably gain some calmness.
"I don't want to wear tight, special yoga clothes"
You can wear whatever is comfortable and stretchy (as opposed to things like jeans, belts, and buttons). Tracksuit bottoms, leggings, t-shirts, vests - they're all good.
"I can't get down on/up from the floor"
That's fine; walls and chairs are your friends.
"I can't weight-bear"
As above. Although depending on the specific reasons for your challenges around weight-bearing, yoga may help with this.
"I tried it once, and I hated it"
I can't stress enough how much the teacher matters here. Everybody teaches in their own unique style; sometimes, it can take a few tries to find the right one for you.
"It's not really exercising, like jogging, spinning, etc."
I could write an essay in response to this. Yoga is one of the best ways to stay fit and healthy. It can be used to improve health, flexibility, strength, posture, and so much more. It is a rewarding physical activity and offers a holistic lifestyle that promotes emotional well-being and good mental health.
It is a good way to build muscle tone and strength. Regularly doing yoga can build muscle, improve your flexibility and posture, and help you maintain a healthy weight. Poses like Downward-Facing Dog and many standing asanas work to increase strength in just about every muscle in your body.
Furthermore, if you partake in aerobic exercise, yoga is a wonderful companion for keeping the body in top condition and supporting your other activities.
"I don't know the names of the poses"
Well, me neither half the time! That doesn't matter at all; your teacher will cue you to come in and out of the poses. You don't have to concern yourself with anything other than your body and how it feels.
"I don't like all the 'woo' that comes with yoga"
Again, there is a class for everyone. From the totally fitness-based gym-style class to an immersively spiritual session complete with chanting and chakra-balancing. Before you attend, you can ask what kind of class will be delivered if it is important to you.
"I'm nervous and don't want other people looking at me. I feel silly doing it."
Attempting new activities makes many adults feel unconfident. However, stretching the mind cognitively will directly enhance your health. It is also important to remember that everybody else in the class will be focused on themselves and the teacher and will not be looking at you. Often a gazing point is taught with each pose—students are encouraged, for instance, to look at their outstretched hand, at the tips of their noses, or at a point on the floor or on the wall in front of them while they practice, i.e. not at you!
In my experience, people who are drawn to yoga are wonderful human beings who are well-versed in ahimsa; thus, the last thing you need to worry about is any kind of judgement.
So, are there actually any good reasons not to do yoga? I'd love to hear more in the comments if you have suggestions.